Wednesday 9 February 2011


I chose these images because I think they show my skills in a variety of different areas; mono-printing, collage, photography, ink, observational drawing, Photoshop. I enjoyed working on all of them, particularly the ink-based, photography and Photoshop projects. I have included some development work as well as final outcomes in order to give an insight into my creative process. I like to experiment with different media and try new things to get different effects and outcomes in my work. I have recently begun to use Photoshop as part of my pixel manipulation course at Chesterfield College, and I thoroughly enjoy enhancing my work this way, as well as creating my own images. I want to study graphic design at Manchester Metropolitan University because I love the city, and since attending the open day in October, I have become even more determined to study there; I love the atmosphere and am excited about the wide range of facilities available. Having realised that graphic design is my passion, I am excited to learn the subject in greater depth, and have already found myself looking at the world of graphic design in much more detail, finding it in almost everything I see. Throughout my life I've loved creating images and presenting my art in the best possible way. It is since I began my foundation course at Chesterfield College, that I have realised the things I love doing all come under the same course title; graphic design. Since learning this, I have become more interested in and excited about the subject, and can't wait to start learning more about the world of graphic design.

Life drawing, ink and collage

Photoshop project - designing beer mats for Thornbridge Brewery/Sensoria Festival